Are You Accidentally Manifesting Your Own Hell?
Become worthy in your own eyes and let life respond to THAT version of you.
A lack of self-care attracts debt.
By not taking the time to nourish yourself through activities like meditation, healthy eating, exercise, resting in long baths, or journaling you create a $0 balance in your energetic bank account.
Then, when you turn around and pour into others from this energetic state, you develop a negative balance in your energetic bank account. We live in a universe that responds to our habits and beliefs. So, when you put everyone else above yourself, you tell the universe that you're comfortable living in a state of lack—which then attracts more lack.
While it can include things like debt and lost income, the lack I’m referring to isn’t solely financial. It can show up as one-sided friendships that make you feel lonely, a body that feels tired and out of sync, jobs that feel draining, and other negative circumstances that cause you to feel trapped in a state of shame, unfulfillment, and victimization.
The solution is a simple one, start pouring love into yourself. Make yourself a priority. Become worthy in your own eyes and let life respond to THAT version of you.
When I teach this, I usually get eye-rolls and replies like these:
- I don’t have time for self-care
- This is easy when you don’t have people relying on you, but I have kids
- This is such a selfish way to live
- I can’t do that
It’s okay. Those responses are totally normal and the good thing about it is that you get to choose if you’re going to continue to accept those excuses from yourself.
You’re an empowered person and you have the freedom to make any decision you want. This will remain true even if you don’t believe it about yourself, so why not work toward owning it?
Really let that sink in.
You’re not trapped, you’re not a victim, and there’s no one to blame.
If you choose to take one of the four responses listed above and run with it, you’re choosing to keep things the same way or let them worsen.
If this sounds both intriguing and extremely difficult, do some shadow work to help yourself move forward. I’ve got you covered. I created a free masterclass that will help you get started with shedding your fears and limiting beliefs so that you can enjoy the freedom you deserve. You just need to follow this link to sign up!